February 7, 2009

Week 1 Done

My first week of training is done :) I am feeling really good, and am excited for Tuesday to start week 2 and run 4 miles each day. Let me tell ya I was spoiled rotten today, I didn't even have to wear long underwear. It was 40 degrees!
I must say I am a little worried about running the marathon with you girls, because depending on what day it is I will have to walk w/in the first 10 minutes :( I have what the doctors diagnosed as Osteitis Pubis Syndrome. Oh its great let me tell ya, especially because they really don't have a treatment for it. The more I read it about it too, the more I think I have something else. But anywho....depending on the day, usually w/in the first 10 minutes of my run and I will get these cramps really bad and they won't go away unless I stop and walk. The good news, once they go away I don't get them again! Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. I never know.
On to Week 2!

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