February 24, 2009

I am not a sprinter

So I ran tonight for the first time in a week. I felt fresh and also tired. I am blaming Patti and Tim. Completely. After this night out - bottom pic - well.... I don't remember taking that photo, what does that tell you? PS - our cousin Erik? (top pic) Boy. Can. Run. I should've been inspired, but all I did was hang out, eat cupcakes and watch. He is SO fast, I couldn't get a non-blurry picture. Erik competed in the 500 and the 4x400 relay - his relay team placed 5th at the Big East meet. Amazing. Also, he promised to run a few miles with us in October.

February 22, 2009

February 19, 2009

Who has two thumbs and runs really slow?

I ran so slow yesterday that this guy passed me.

February 18, 2009

thank goodness for VT mountains!

I'm not sure how far I ran today....and guess what....I don't care! Haha. That was my goal today, just run. No particular speed, no particular distance. Just run because you can and because you want to! All I can say is thank goodness for VT mountains, because there might be some chance (even if very little) that the marathon might seem just a smidge easier because I have these mountains to train on! Just maybe Chicago will seem almost like a downhill for me! Hahahaha I WISH!

February 17, 2009

Rainy Day(s) Woman

It has been raining non-stop (and by non-stop I really do mean non-stop) for 4 days here in SF! If I was not trying to catch up with you ladies in miles, I wouldn't mind. I love the rain after months and months of sunshine and 60's. It gives you an excuse to be in a different mood and to snuggle up with a book (or a beau), in the same way that snow gives people an excuse to drink lots of hot buttered rum and lounge around in "snowbodies perfect" PJs. Ahem, you know who you are.

Ok so I've fallen off on the running for the past 4 days as the rain hammered the windows. O well. It's not like I have 236 days left to prepare for the marathon or anything...In other news my sleeping has improved quite a bit and I now have an excuse to wear these babies!

South Beach Diet

Today is the first day of our South Beach Diet! I decided after talking w/ Karley who had good success with the diet to do it also, and of course Jordan said he would do it too! I'm a little nervous, not with the diet, but how it will effect my running. But I have decided that if for 2 wks I have to slow my running down I will do so, b/c in the long run it will help my running if I am lighter!
I am getting wicked excited about running the marathon even though it is months away! Yesterday we went snowshoeing in the morning than running in the aftertoon. I had a great run yesterday with the dogs and Jordan. No, Jordan didn't run, but he biked along side of me and it made me realize how much easier and shorter my run seemed w/ somebody there! I CAN'T WAIT TO RUN W/ YOU GIRLS!
My run this morning wasn't as fun, but I plan on running 5 miles tomorrow for the first time in a long time! I am hoping that the ice melts on the hills by than!

February 11, 2009

Off Today

I am currently on the 4 days a week running plan. It doesn't feel like enough sometimes and I am getting nervous that I won't be able to keep up with you all! I do feel like it gives my body time to recover however, and I am starting to see the glory in not over-doing it. Today I won't run, so my Nike mini is playing video games.

Yesterday I had the best run since I started training. It was late when I got out of work and also cold (45 degrees!), cloudy, and dark. But once I was out running along the water, I enjoyed it more than a sunny day run. I decided to run down a pier at the end of it which was strangely liberating. Weird to say, but I think I enjoy overcast weather while running.

February 10, 2009

Chutes and ladders

On Saturday, I ran inside. :( I had to because it was cold and dark and whenever I run outside, I never make it into the gym to do PT exercises like I'm supposed to. BUT! I did ladder intervals, which is a fun way to get in several miles on a treadmill without even realizing you're doing it! I did a 1/4 mile at speed=8, 1/2 mile at 7.5 and 1 mile at 7, then back down - 1/2 mile at 7.5, 1/4 mile at 8. In between each one, run slowly or walk for 2-3 minutes while your heart rate goes back down and your breathing recovers. And presto! 4.41 miles all done!

February 9, 2009


Two posts in one day, not-uh! Thought you would all enjoy these ads. 

Perfect Winter Meal

I ran in the late afternoon yesterday, just over 2 miles (I'm starting from 0 here!). It was an easy run, and I enjoyed the cloudy and cold weather. I know this sounds insane, but when you have nothing but 60 degree, sunny days- clouds and a 10 degree drop are welcomed! 

After I got home I wanted something hearty and wintery: moussaka! It was perfect and oh-so-healthy. I would describe it as a Greek version of lasagna. It fills you up in a warm, wintery way without all the cheese and noodles found in traditional Italian lasagna. The original version of moussaka uses lamb and full-fat Greek yogurt. You can substitute fat-free plain yogurt and turkey and it's delicious! Mmm just had some leftovers for lunch. 

In other news I am considering running a 5K "Year of the Ox" race this Sunday. To be continued...

February 7, 2009

Body gliiiiiide

An absolute essential to avoid chafing under the boobies (for me anyway)... but who knew it is also useful in the pool! Friday was swim day (2500 yards, 55 minutes) and I purchased a new tube-o-glide. I have to use it in the deodorant-area when I swim. (Is this too personal for a blog?) Anyhoo! Great night of chafe-free cross-training. xoxo

Week 1 Done

My first week of training is done :) I am feeling really good, and am excited for Tuesday to start week 2 and run 4 miles each day. Let me tell ya I was spoiled rotten today, I didn't even have to wear long underwear. It was 40 degrees!
I must say I am a little worried about running the marathon with you girls, because depending on what day it is I will have to walk w/in the first 10 minutes :( I have what the doctors diagnosed as Osteitis Pubis Syndrome. Oh its great let me tell ya, especially because they really don't have a treatment for it. The more I read it about it too, the more I think I have something else. But anywho....depending on the day, usually w/in the first 10 minutes of my run and I will get these cramps really bad and they won't go away unless I stop and walk. The good news, once they go away I don't get them again! Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. I never know.
On to Week 2!

February 4, 2009

Esquire Rule No. 330: Foods ending in "ito" are delicious

Rule No. 331: Also "eeto."

Training Log:

Jan 27 - 2.25 hours shopping
JS and I go shopping for new workout clothes so as to blend in at the trendy gym. Everything makes us look fat.
Jan 28 - 1.5 hours gym reconnaissance
Work up a sweat during our guided tour of the gym. There are 3 floors. Obtain free passes. Decide to get a fresh start tomorrow.
Jan 31 - 45 minutes gym reconnaissance, Day 2

There are 20,000 machines to help you perform a bicep curl. We try them all, but are careful not to strain ourselves. We are easing in.
Jan 31 - 2 hours recuperation
We promptly return to the couch and replenish lost nutrients with Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos.
Feb 4 - 1 hour motivational research
Watch America's Best Dance Crew while considering the merits of joining a gym.

February 3, 2009

My Girls

I have a new running song: My Girls, by Animal Collective. I can't seem to find a way to post the song, but you should check it out here. It's my new favorite when it comes up on the shuffle. It always makes me want to dance, which is a requirement for running music! 

1.5 mile run for me today. I'm sore from tennis! Pictures are from Embarcadaro, where I run.

silly cows!

So, my easy timed 3 mile was not at all accurate! We ran the 3 miles in 45 minutes, but that does not include the 15 + minute stop to help the neighbor get the cute cows back in the fence! HAHAHAHA. It was so much fun and my 3 mile run had some sprints than too! One of the cows is pictured here. Feisty little fellah! I believe if I would have stopped my watch when this all happened that I would have made it in 30 minute's if not less. Good start indeed, for me at least! Love and miss!

Day 1 of "official" training for the marathon

It's a beautiful day here in Vermont, quite warm already at 20 degrees! I am very excited to start my "official" day of training in such warmness! I have been running in negatives, not so much fun! Yesterday was cold and well my first day off of the week, so I didn't feel much like running. So we (Jordan, Skooter, Sandi, and I) went for a walk instead, past the church and Jill (horse in picture w/ Jordan), and of course the scottish highland cattle, our favorite route! We (the dogs and I) plan on running 3 miles at an easy pace today and timing it just out of curiosity on how long it will take us. Will let you know later, or maybe not, depending on how bad it is!

February 2, 2009

Off day for "Norwegian heart throb"

A friend gave me some comp tickets to Carnegie Hall this evening, so though I was planning to swim, I will go watch Christian play the violin and Leif (heart throb at right) play the piano. I shall run tomorrow though! (I am on the Tuesday, Thursday, weekend plan.) And by the way, I am already MUCHO motivated to train since I'll be running with you lovely ladies. xoxoxo

The First Post!

Welcome to The 4 K's Run 42Ks blog. Let the training, whining, and running fun begin! 

Currently, this image sums up how I am feeling and also the color of my headphones. 

It is a balmy 64 in San Francisco today and I am planning a short run along the Embarcadaro.