February 4, 2009

Esquire Rule No. 330: Foods ending in "ito" are delicious

Rule No. 331: Also "eeto."

Training Log:

Jan 27 - 2.25 hours shopping
JS and I go shopping for new workout clothes so as to blend in at the trendy gym. Everything makes us look fat.
Jan 28 - 1.5 hours gym reconnaissance
Work up a sweat during our guided tour of the gym. There are 3 floors. Obtain free passes. Decide to get a fresh start tomorrow.
Jan 31 - 45 minutes gym reconnaissance, Day 2

There are 20,000 machines to help you perform a bicep curl. We try them all, but are careful not to strain ourselves. We are easing in.
Jan 31 - 2 hours recuperation
We promptly return to the couch and replenish lost nutrients with Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos.
Feb 4 - 1 hour motivational research
Watch America's Best Dance Crew while considering the merits of joining a gym.

1 comment:

Ryan (LWM) said...

They should have a fat people gym. I hate going to the gym and seeing all the pretty people doing their work outs...