May 23, 2009

love my new running shoes :)

I must say I underestimated how great new running shoes are! I LOVE MY NEW RUNNING SHOES! They are amazing! I guess after wearing the ones I had for over a year, any new pair of shoes are going to be amazing to run in! Yes yes I know that is very bad for me and I should only run so many miles in a pair, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! Ran 5 miles yesterday and it was amazing! I was tired but a good tired! It was a perfect day for a nice 5 mile run, temp. around 65-70, sun shining, and my new running shoes :)

May 9, 2009

mega t-storms

I ran 5 miles on Friday...and let me tell you, its kind of discouraging @ the moment. It just doesn't seem to be getting easier. Between all the hills/mtns on my 5mile run and my stinking shorts riding up my legs....5 miles just sucks right now. I am hoping sometime time soon to go for a 5 mile run and be like..."wow that was a good run..." hopefully soon!

Took the day off today, not by choice but because of major thunderstorms THE WHOLE DAY! We got so much rain I am worried that Jordan should be building an arch instead of an arbor!