March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday KT!

It's your birthday, you can run if you want to. Run if you want to, run if you want to...

Love you! Hope you have a fantastic day!

March 25, 2009

Margarita mama

Oh! No no! Don't be disappointed Kara Bear. All these posts are so clever and fun, I feel pressure to post only when I have something extraordinary to report. And thus far, it's just slow and steady here in NYC. I've decided my first official long run is 7 miles on May 16, so until then I'm just building the base - running 3-6ish miles three times a week. (Five times a week is impressive!!) And sadly, I don't have any fun horses to ride as cross training. (That totally counts!)

But don't you worry - I am dedicated. Last night, a boy asked me to have dinner and I said "nope, I've got to run!" After my run, I met him for a margarita as a reward. :)

Miss you all SO MUCH!

Do the whirlwind.

I apologize, Kara. I have been a little swamped lately. Look at my to-do list! It would keep anyone terribly busy. I have been running, albeit very slowly. 

Yesterday I had a problem only other runners could understand: being 2 miles into your run and wanting to take your shirt off. SF weather (especially along the water) can be hard to predict, so I often go out with a long sleeve t-shirt on. Big mistake! I finished out the rest of my run with what I like to call the "preppy look" (you know what I'm talking about, sweater around shoulders, tie in the front). I wouldn't dare post this in the middle of your winters, so I am hoping spring has sprung for you all.

March 20, 2009


I must say I am dissapointed in my siblings, here it has been OVER a week since anyone has posted, and the last person that posted was ME! Majorly disspointed sisters! I live in the middle of NOWHERE Vermont and I still manage to post more than you girls do! AY CARUMBA!
Anywho, running is going good here in Vermont, I haven't really increased my mileage in a long time, running about 3 miles 5x a week. But I have increased my riding horses :o) Very EXCITING! I ride Onyx a 11 yr old Percheron/QH? Cross (pictured here). He is super cute and super good and reminds me of my old horse Bailey. I really enjoy this and well its good cross training.....or that's what I keep telling myself. South beach diet is going really well, I don't even notice I am even on a diet anymore! Jordan and I have both lost 15 lbs each! I'm still working on losing more, I'm pretty sure Jordan is content with that! Till next month! ;)

March 10, 2009

mud season in vermont

I don't think mud season in Vermont has "officially" started yet, but I do know its pretty darn close! I haven't decided yet if I should wear my muck boots or plastic bags over my shoes to help save them and my feet. I'm not even exagerating when I say look at the picture, that is what we have to run through right about now, and it's only going to get worse! EEEEKKKK! Lets just say I am actually excited about running in Chicago on PAVED roads!

March 2, 2009

Even Nene Takes a Week Off.

Early last week I toppled over. It was the least graceful fall you could possibly imagine. In an attempt to save my teeth (I wasn't thinking marathon training in this moment, let's call that a lapse in judgement), I landed completely *insert lbs. here*  on my left knee. 

Ok, so the stairs didn't look like this, but it was one of those moments where you realize what just happened and kind of talk to yourself (shit, does anyone else do this?). 

Needless to say, I took last week off while the purple dots slowly turned brown and I regained confidence in my ability anything without falling. I'm in good company. Nene, a Denver Nugget also bruised his knee recently

"Tests on Monday showed that his knee has no structural damage. He is listed day-to-day."


cross-training day :)~

I took the day off again from running and decided it was a cross-training day :) So, I went snowboarding in the morning with Jordan, than went snowshoeing in the afternoon with the doggies. It's snowing like crazy here and we already got 5" and it's supposed to snow all night! The picture is the view from the summit of Madonna Mountain where we go skiing/snowboarding! It's so beautiful! Now we didn't get a view like that today because all the snow! It's well worth it though! So I plan on going snowboarding in the morning again and then maybe run in the afternoon, we shall see! I am enjoying running a lot, but decided that if I took more than 2 days off a week that would be ok at the moment too! My next cross-training will be riding a horse :) great exercise!