August 28, 2009

6 weeks to go!

How's the training going?? I am doing 15 tomorrow, and it's almost certainly going to rain (yay!). Good practice for potential ick weather on race day, right? Wish we could run together... I will pretend like you're all there and talk to you anyway, like a good nyc crazy person. :)

Do you all have chicago tix yet? We should chat about shirts sometime soon too! If you guys are busy, I can just take care of them - let me know if there's anything you definitely want, or don't want, on them. And we're all doing sleeveless right?

Miss you! Happy running! xoxo

August 5, 2009

Ramblin' Rose.

Read this short article in the NY Times about the summer running slump related to fall marathoners.

He of course advises more cross training, does lounging by the pool and *drinking carbs count? Good.