February 3, 2009

silly cows!

So, my easy timed 3 mile was not at all accurate! We ran the 3 miles in 45 minutes, but that does not include the 15 + minute stop to help the neighbor get the cute cows back in the fence! HAHAHAHA. It was so much fun and my 3 mile run had some sprints than too! One of the cows is pictured here. Feisty little fellah! I believe if I would have stopped my watch when this all happened that I would have made it in 30 minute's if not less. Good start indeed, for me at least! Love and miss!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Hilarious! That was a grrr-eat distraction. I could use a random cow or two when i'm doing mindless loops in central park. I LOVE the picture too - do you carry a camera when you run???