February 17, 2009

Rainy Day(s) Woman

It has been raining non-stop (and by non-stop I really do mean non-stop) for 4 days here in SF! If I was not trying to catch up with you ladies in miles, I wouldn't mind. I love the rain after months and months of sunshine and 60's. It gives you an excuse to be in a different mood and to snuggle up with a book (or a beau), in the same way that snow gives people an excuse to drink lots of hot buttered rum and lounge around in "snowbodies perfect" PJs. Ahem, you know who you are.

Ok so I've fallen off on the running for the past 4 days as the rain hammered the windows. O well. It's not like I have 236 days left to prepare for the marathon or anything...In other news my sleeping has improved quite a bit and I now have an excuse to wear these babies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are 'snowbodies perfect' PJ's?? ;)