September 14, 2009

fuel belt

Skooter, Sandi and I went for a 12 mile run on Saturday! YAY!!! It wasn't bad at all the 12 miles that is! Without our water boy (aka Jordan), we all realized we were mucho parcho! At about mile 10, and the 5 miles before mile 10 I ran and thought about water and gatorade and water. Poor Skooter and Sandi were looking in every ditch just thinking there would be a stream to drink out of. Who would of thought that here in VT we would be semi dry after the beginning of summer was so WET! I realized at mile 10 after seeing a 1/2 drank Gatorade bottle on the side of the roading which was actually tempting to drink.....that I needed one of those dorky fuel belts. Not just for me but for my poor doggies! Soooo with that in mind I plan to purchase one of those dorky fuel belts for our 15 mile run this Saturday so we all don't die of dehydration!