July 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Kristin!

Woo! Happy Birthday sista! A running memory about you: you "trained" me for my field hockey try out (3 mile run) in middle school. You ran backwards and cheered me on and I think I wanted to punch you in the face at the time, but thanks lady! xoxo.


kafka said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICA! My running memory is you taking me to the gym at AU... and thus began the madness. Oh, and that snazzy photo of you in the Chicago marathon that totally inspired me to attempt all these athleticy challenges. Hope you have a grrr-eat day! xoxo

kara said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAy AGAIN! My running memory is running past the attack turkey at the neighbors! We always sprinted that part and sometimes there was some screaming!!!! OH and of course all of our soccer days.... i miss them! xoxoxo love and miss you! Oh